Sacramento, CA USA
+ 3 SBR Tanks
+ 3200 MAGNUM® Diffusers with FLEXSIL®Membranes
+ 135 AirRex® Laterals
+ Startup in 2018
Hamburg Dradenau, Germany
+ 1998: Plant start-up, 2,200,000 People Equivalent
+ 2003-2008: Test of 9 different diffuser types
+ 2009: Installation of 29,000 MAGNUM® FLEXSIL® Diffusers
+ 2010: at an off gas performance test OTT exceeded the required SOTE
Jackson Pike, Columbus, Ohio, USA
• 2,500,00 People Equivalent
In 2008 Change of the existing coarse bubble aeration systemto an OTT HE® Systemwith 16,000MAGNUM® FLEXSIL® diffusers
+ Actual energy saving 39%or 440,000 USD per year due to the high efficiency of the HE®
Kocani, Macedonia
+ 12070 MAGNUM® Diffusers with FLEXSIL®Membranes
+ 40 AirRex® Laterals
+ Startup in 2018
OTT® Aeration Systems in High-Saline Environments
Customer: BASF
Plant location: Lampertsheim, Germany(other BASF plants equipped with equivalentOTT systems)
Installed in: 2012
Wastewater chloride content: 15,000 mg/L
Equipped with:
2 fixed aeration grids (316 grade
OTT in the Oil & Gas Sector
Bodalla, Australien
+ 270 D-REX® Disc Diffusers
+ Liftable stainless steel grids for two tanks
OTT diffusers in SBR tanks
• WWTP Gelting
• WWTP Neubrandenburg
• WWTP Kappeln
• SEGHERS Unitanks
Alcoi, Spain
+ 1070 MAGNUM® Diffusers with FLEXNORM®
+ 64 AirRex® Laterals
+ Startup in 2014
Bashneft Oil, Russia
+ 2299 MAGNUM® Diffusers with FLEXSIL®Membranes
+ 144 AirRex® Laterals
+ Startup in 2014