OTT GROUP Aeratiom System BIOAS®Export Product InDENSE BioTAS Can Enhance Aeration Systems MACOSS Precision Control System Magnetic Levitation Blower

BIAOS-Hang®Hanging two pipes can enhance the aeration system

The product assembly adopts semi-automatic mechanical assembly production, using hot melt welding instead of adhesive technology to ensure sufficient supply, uniform product quality, stability and reliability, and high repeatability. The ventilation main pipe spans across the aeration tank, and each group can lift the aerator through a separate ventilation support pipe, which is hoisted inside the tank. The ventilation riser is equipped with detachable joints for easy system maintenance and repair. The lower end of the ventilation riser is connected to two/four sets of tubular aerators through a stainless steel chamber, forming two/four tubes that can lift the aerators. During installation, it can be installed with water online without the need for shutdown or drainage, and maintenance can be carried out without shutdown or drainage.


